
The Skinny on Obesity by Robert Lustig – Hele serien med ekstra klipp


Denne serien fra ustv Prime med Robert Lustig gir oss et innblikk i hvor galt det har gått med verdens kosthold og hvordan den påvirker vår helse. Absolutt verdt å se på.


Episode 1: An Epidemic for Every Body

Episode 2: Sickeningly Sweet

Episode 3: Hunger and Hormones- A Vicious Cycle

Episode 4: Sugar – A Sweet Addiction

Episode 5: Generation XL

Episode 6: A Fast-Paced Fast Food Life

Episode 7: Drugs Cigarettes Alcohol…and Sugar?

Ekstra 1:

Ekstra 2: Four Sweet Tips from Dr. Lustig

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BBC: The men who made us fat – Episode 1 og 2 av 2


Hvem er mennene som gjorde oss fete og hvordat gitt det til?

Se den nye fantastiske BBC-dokumentaren og få svarene. Flere av verdens ledende eksperter er med, inkludert dr Robert Lustig og Gary Taubes.

Episode 1:


Episode 2:

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BBC: The men who made us fat – Episode 1


Jeg fant denne hos i dag. MÅ SEES!

Hvem er mennene som gjorde oss fete og hvordat gitt det til?

Se den nye fantastiske BBC-dokumentaren og få svarene. Flere av verdens ledende eksperter er med, inkludert dr Robert Lustig og Gary Taubes.

Episode 1:

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The Skinny on Obesity (Extra): Four Sweet Tips from Dr. Lustig


Throughout “The Skinny on Obesity” series, Dr. Robert Lustig has made his case that sugar is a toxin that’s fueling the obesity epidemic. But what does he recommend we do about it in our daily lives? Here Dr. Lustig offers four useful tips to help you and your kids steer clear of excess sugar and overeating.


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The Skinny on Obesity (Ep. 7): Drugs Cigarettes Alcohol…and Sugar?


UCSF experts offer a frank indictment of the country’s agricultural policy and food industry, which have made it nearly impossible to avoid sugar in our daily diet, and suggestions for possible remedies.



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The Skinny on Obesity (Ep. 6): A Fast-Paced Fast Food Life


The pace of modern life is a key contributor to today’s obesity epidemic. UCSF’s Elissa Epel and Barbara Laraia explain the stress connection and offer practical and effective solutions that don’t involve dieting and exercise.

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The Skinny on Obesity (Ep. 5): Generation XL


An unnerving trend of obese infants is just one indication that obesity can be passed on from mother to fetus. This installment looks towards the next generation, with an emphasis on preventive care and pre-natal health.

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Sugar: The bitter truth


Dr Robert Lustig forteller om sukkerts sanne ansikt. Hans første foredrag om dette temaet er vist over 2 millioner ganger på YouTube. Men her er en mye nyere versjon. Det er verd vært eneste minutt av din tid!

Her finner du en kortere versjon:

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The Skinny on Obesity (Ep. 4): Sugar – A Sweet Addiction


Sugar isn’t just sweet, it’s addictive. This episode explores the cycle of addiction that sugar causes in the brain, much in the same way as drugs and alcohol. Series: “UCTV Prime: The Skinny on Obesity”



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The Skinny on Obesity 3: Hunger and Hormones- A Vicious Cycle


Sugar impacts the brain just as much as the waistline. In this episode, Dr. Robert Lustig explains the biochemical shifts that sugar causes, making us store fat and feel hungry at the same time. Series: “UCTV Prime: The Skinny on Obesity”

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The Skinny on Obesity 2: Sickeningly Sweet


Dr. Robert Lustig illustrates the overabundance of sugar in today’s processed convenience foods and explains how our bodies metabolize these sugars in the same way as alcohol or other toxins, causing damage to the liver and other organs. Series: “UCTV Prime: The Skinny on Obesity”.

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The Skinny on Obesity 1: An Epidemic for Every Body


How did we get so fat, so fast? The debut episode of this 7-part series debunks the theory that obesity only affects the “gluttons and sloths” among us and is, in fact, a public health problem that impacts everyone. Series: “UCTV Prime: The Skinny on Obesity”.

Dr Robert Lustig stiller spørsmålet; “Hvordan har hele verden blitt så fete, så fort? Har alle blitt sløve og late?”

Grunnen til denne pandemien kan sammenfattes med et utsagn: “En kalori er en kalori”. Dette er det første vi lærer oss. Spiser man mer en man forbrenner blir man fet, spiser man mindre enn man forbrenner blir man tynn. Teorien er klar spis mindre løp mer. Men slik fungerer det ikke og grunnen til det er at: “En kalori ikke er en kalori”!

Wikipedia: Pandemi

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